Thursday, September 13, 2007

TIRED LIKE SHIT. Woke up at 630am and had morning class and rushed off for the auction exhibition set-up which was till 8pm.

Luckily I wore jeans cuz we were immediately thrust into manual labour with the setting up of the exhibition area. There were 150 or so paintings, many of which were so huge they couldn't fit in the lift, and we had to carry each one of them and mount them onto the hooks. Carrying things, attaching hooks, shifting boxes, pushing trolleys, adjusting lights. I felt like a construction worker. We were working alongside the movers and the contactors, and it was good fun.

Felt good to be doing something physical for a change. Empowering. Like brad pitt in cambodia. Less kids. And $10 an hour wasn't too bad in the name of art.

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