Friday, September 14, 2007

They hurt us bad. They let us down again and again. And yet when we say it's time we let go of such friends, we give in.

Why is it so hard to drop a bad friend? It's just one right.

If we rationalize it, we really don't need the trouble and the drama. We don't. But then why do we still give in?

We say we're much better off without such friends. "My life can do without _____ right now." And, yes, maybe we're better off. But what the hell explains it then.

It's annoying. I've told myself to stop making the effort. Taking the time. To shut off and shut out. But every now and then part of me is wondering if my friend is ok. A part of me that is always willing to forgive and forget. Like a door half open or half closed.

Maybe we're suckers for sentiment, we love the good times. Maybe we're creatures of habit, we like to spend time people we're used to.

Or maybe we're just human. Capable of forgiving and holding grudges at the same time. Capable of loving and hating. Capable of caring for someone no matter how bad things have been.

I used to believe that life was black and white. But where is the beauty if you can't see things in shades. And I suppose friendship is just one of those kind of drawings.

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