Tuesday, June 05, 2007

If there's one thing I've learnt in life, it's to stand up, and stick to your guns.

When things turn difficult. Take a breather, have your little pity party. But then you've got to get off your ass, and keep fighting.

Take a stand for what you believe in. Because no one is going to believe you if you don't believe yourself.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been questioned about my direction, my passion, my life. This is something expected. Everytime your life changes course, I suppose its expected you face doubt.

But can you imagine if we kept doubting ourselves everytime we felt challenged? Can imagine if we let other people determine how our life was going to be by letting them believe we are wrong?

There are times when we are wrong. But there are times when we have to put our foot down. We need to look inside ourselves to find direction. Our inner voice. If we listen hard enough, we'll realise that our beliefs have the strength to guide us.

I am tired. Tired of fighting. But there is a drive that makes me wanna strip down to my undies and shout SPARTAAAAAAA. And that is more than enough to keep me going. To keep me fighting.

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