Friday, October 05, 2007

"Mr Suren, 1 months subscription is not going to do anything for me. I'm still going to have to pay over a hundred dollars a year if I'm charged for incoming calls."

"I understand Mr Kwok, but we cannot waive the incoming charges. Otherwise we'll have to change the system. How about 3 months then?"

"Over the last 3 days I've wasted alot of time on the phone with Singtel, and it's taken alot of effort on my part to speak to 3 different lawyers about this matter. I don't want to make this a public matter, but you're going to have to come up with something better."

"Ok Mr Kwok I would like to solve this problem as soon as possible for you. How do you think we can help you? What do you suggest?"

"I don't want to spend more time on this matter and be calculating compensation. I believe you are a reasonable person. I have spent a great deal of time over this matter, and I believe you can come up with something reasonable. You think about it, and you give me a call by next week when you have come up with something."

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