I think its the time of the year when everyone has a little time to themselves to just think and reflect on what has happened in the year. 2006 has officially been the best year ever, and I don't think the year could have been any more eventful.
So many things have happened this year, but more important than anything else, is that I think I really found myself this year. I have learnt so much about myself by going through some hard times, found my best friends and found a career which I know I can excel in.
However, this year had alot of sudden events happening. Kai and Chao passed away this year. When Kai passed away I really felt like a part of me died. But I think we all learn to live with a loss, and we only learn to treasure our loved ones more than ever.
This year I managed to pull up my GPA from 3 to 3.16 to 3.29, something I am very proud of. I sacrificied my time with the floorball team to make sure my grades could go up. I also managed to complete 3 internships, 3 very different amazing experiences that have allowed me to be confident that I will enjoy the work I do in future. Another amazing experience was volunteering for the underpriveleged children at the KidsREAD program. I have learnt that I love children very much. I went on a fantastic summer program at The University of British Columbia in Canada, such an eye openening experience to see the world through different eyes and change my perspective on life forever.
I feel very sad when I think of how much of our family will be spilt up next year. David is going overseas also, which means we won't get to see each other anymore for quite some time. I have never appreciated my family more. There are times when me and brothers argue over stupid things, but I love them more than anything. I hope David and Mikey will find their calling in life. I haven't always been easy on them, but my only wish is to see them find something they are most happy doing, whether it is running a michelin star restaurant, or being a skiing instructor on the slopes. Happiness is hard to find. And I hope they will always be happy.
I am so glad I have managed to spend alot more time with my family this year. I know I have always been busy, but I think I have made it an effort to spend more time with my family this year, something I will miss soon.
I've lost friends this year, but I've strengthened my friendships with real friends who helped me along whenever I have felt down.
The Bros: KY, you're my best pal, and I'm always grateful for your friendship. DZ, you have never let me down, bros always. ST, we've known each other so many years and I'm always grateful for our friendship. WY, I'm so grateful to have met you and Jols in Canada, friends always.
The Specs: Bnut, you nutjob, don't worry you won't be single long. Er, thanks for our friendship, you have always made the effort to keep in touch. BY, chicken rice if you believe in yourself.
The Smube Supper Goofballs: Tim, you're one of my best friends, and I am glad to have met a friend like you. Gabe, you're a great friend with a good heart. Er, you make me laugh many many. Jaz, you've been a great friend and I'm glad we braved psych class together!
The Randoms: Nr, love you lots! We'll be there for you this term. Ch, you've been a great friend in and out of school. Sy, here's to more armenian street mee soto! Ch, you've been a fantastic friend who I can talk to about anything.
The porkfriends: You guys have been great friends. I didn't know any of you before Dz and St introduced me to the gang. But I am glad to have met every single special porkfriend, and I feel like a fully fledged pork friend now haha.
Pohs, Lams and lees, you guys have been so funny. I love the way we can talk non-stop about anything ridiculous until we almost cry.
The floorballers: Brose, Huss, Yves and Jerry. Thanks guys, you have been great friends even outside of training (mugging sessions haha!), friends always.
KSclub7: Sereneish!!! OH MY!!! our shit is toilet square I tell you. You've been a great friend to hangout with. The guys, thanks for taking care of Dave haha, you guys were great company on the trip.
The Interns: SI BUDDY! Once my buddy always my buddy. Celia, will never forget all your rubbish! Miss hanging out with you guys.
My family at Tangs: Pris, thanks for looking out for me while I was working there, you've been a real friend to me and I always treasure our friendship. Kevin, you clothes horse, thanks for always being a fun pal to be with. The girls, stay cool always and I am glad to have met every one of you.
My real Tang family: Sean my godbro, I am glad to have gotten a chance to know you better this year even though we hadn't spoken to each other for many years, I am glad you've found your calling. You've always made the effort to keep in touch, and we are all appreciative. Kai Bah, I'm happy to have the chance to have gotten to catch up with you more this year.
Benny Chan: friends always no matter where life takes us or how rich we get haha
Emilia and Evelyn: you guys are my best gal pals, and I know we'll be friends for life
A few more words:
Lastly, I want to take a short reflection on the year as a real process of change. I think I have grown so much this year. I can honestly say that I am very happy. I've always been a worrier, a thinker, an over-analyser. But after a year of big changes, I've thrown my caution to the wind and become stronger. Screw worrying and thinking. Stress is so 2005. Life is out there for us to take, there is no time for worry. My proudest achievement this year is being happy. Not happy by smiling and laughing all the time, but really being content and proud of life. And that kind of happiness is very important to me.
After thrusting myself into 3 jobs in the real working world, I know now that I can excel at a real job, and this has heightened my confidence with regards to work. I know what I want to do, and I know that marketing is a facet of business that I can perform my best in. I've also managed to place my family, friends and work as my top priorities in life.
I have found peace within myself this year too. We all have our insecurities and neurotic thoughts now and then, but I am finally comfortable being myself without having to worry what others think. And I think that means a feeling of peace.
I think if there was only one word to sum up how 2006 went, it would be the word "happy". 2006. What a year. The best ever.
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