Saturday, December 30, 2006
I remember going to toys r us every weekend (no kidding) with my brothers and picking out one toy for ourselves every time we went. And in the background they'd play the toys r us theme song. "I don't want to grow up, I'm a toys r us kid...". Thinking back on the good old days, my gosh I don't think I'd ever guess being all grown up.
This holiday I bought 11 pairs of dress pants. And that's not funny. Although most of them were only $30. I bought 8 from Japan, where they sell dress pants in fantastic skinny styles. A blessing for those of us who want to do the runway styles at runaway prices. My quest for dress pants stemmed from the fact that I need work pants for my internships, presentations and finishing touch class. As I look at all my shirts, pants and ties laid out on the bed, I think how the hell did I get here, this act grownup kid.
Today I met up with Emilia and Evelyn. We watched Borat, and after that we went to the shop for ice cream. Our conversation was focused on work, jobs, salary and internships. It's so scary isn't it? We kinda laughed to ourselves at how old we were getting. On one hand we worry about our jobs, but to be honest, there's nothing much to worry about just yet. Emilia is a banker at Citibank, Evelyn earns like $4k plus at the hospital in Pennsylvannia, and so far I'm doing pretty ok in school. I am glad we turned out this way. Em and Eve both earn more than the average graduate, and that's really great.
It's been pretty stressful the last few days because I've been arranging internships for summer 2007. People don't realise that now is the time to start worrying about internships already. I called the Louis Vuitton Moet Chandon offices in Hong Kong, Thailand, New York and Singapore a few days ago to ask about internship opportunities. I also sent out 7 cover letters and resumes today to the various LV and Club 21 offices. There is never a guarantee of success in anything, but I have never been one to waste an opportunity.
Time is fleeting. We're all growing up. The question is, who are the ones that are really growing up? I know alot of people who aren't rising to the challenge. Who are happy just sailing along. If they're actually happy, that's good for them. But I don't think I could be happy knowing that I didn't try my best.
If I ever think I want to give up, I just ask myself " in future, do you want to be able to provide the best for your family? Do you ever want your family to worry about money?". And this is all I need to keep me on track really. I never want my loved ones to worry about being provided for, and if this means I have to work my ass off, then I will. There is no two ways about it. It's not even about the money, it's about having the means to look after the people who we love. And I never want to regret being lazy and be unable to provide for my family. That having being said, doing something you love means you can be happy while working. And I hope to pursue that as well. No regrets.
That's why I am so proud of my father. He works so hard at something he so loves for the people he loves, that's us. And beyond that, he spends alot of time with us. We may not always see eye to eye, but he is the perfect dad. I hate to admit it, but I see alot of Bap in myself. I see the side of him that works hard, the side that loves what he is doing, the side of him that takes care of his family no matter what, the side of him that loves his friends and also the funky side of him haha. We're alot more similar than I sometimes think.
So, I hope to keep working towards my goals. It's not easy sometimes. But step by step I think I'm getting there. Ha, Í've always been the kid who wanted to grow up. And in many ways, not much has changed, although I appreciate my childhood even more. Growing up has been the best thing that has happened to me. I guess I'm no toys r us kid.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
2006 has been the best year ever. I could yell, and jump, and hug someone just thinking about what a fantastic time I've had these past 12 months. This has been a year of love from family and close friends, of exciting opportunities and experiences, and of personal growth.
One year ago, I made a promise to myself to be happy for the year 2006, and I am glad to say I succeeded. It's easy to do well. It's easy to have fun. But being happy is something more important than anything. Not just a smiling kinda happy. But a content feeling about life and the people around me. I've accomplished alot this year, but being happy is something I am most proud of. In this crazy, #@$%ed up (sometimes only) world, the most important thing one can aim to achieve, is happiness.
So for the year 2007, I've decided. My new year resolution is to top the year 2006. It's not going to be easy though. 2006 has been the best out of all my 22 years. But hey, since when have I not accepted a challenge. 2006, you're on! I'm all ready for 2007.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Cheryl Lee just msged at 9pm tonight to ask if I want to go to KL the next day with Poh, Nabil and his girlfriend. She said it would be $150 for 2 nights and 3 days including accomodation, which is really a great deal. You see she had 2 other friends who had to back out last minute, so she asked me and Cheryl Lam to replace the 2. Not say very imprompts square kind.
SHIT. It sounds like super fun square. And I know it will be damn fun. But I am so out of cash right now. Poh, Lees, Lams and I just had dinner a few nights ago and I had a great time with them. I can only imagine how much nonsense we would come up with if we went to KL together.
Did I mention the trip would be at 7.30am tmrw? Dammit I tell you. I haven't felt this dilemns in a long time. However, I just came back from Japan and I would feel really bad to ask my parents to pay for anything else. And also I've set appointments with the specs, the smube supper goofsers and the randoms.
Shit. But thanks Lees for asking. I know it would have been really fun. You made my life exciting for half an hour just thinking about KL haha. I promise you I'd take off in a beat if I had a little spare dough. We'll go in Summer ok haha. Shit. Dilemns square. Confirm cannot sleep at night kind.
I think its the time of the year when everyone has a little time to themselves to just think and reflect on what has happened in the year. 2006 has officially been the best year ever, and I don't think the year could have been any more eventful.
So many things have happened this year, but more important than anything else, is that I think I really found myself this year. I have learnt so much about myself by going through some hard times, found my best friends and found a career which I know I can excel in.
However, this year had alot of sudden events happening. Kai and Chao passed away this year. When Kai passed away I really felt like a part of me died. But I think we all learn to live with a loss, and we only learn to treasure our loved ones more than ever.
This year I managed to pull up my GPA from 3 to 3.16 to 3.29, something I am very proud of. I sacrificied my time with the floorball team to make sure my grades could go up. I also managed to complete 3 internships, 3 very different amazing experiences that have allowed me to be confident that I will enjoy the work I do in future. Another amazing experience was volunteering for the underpriveleged children at the KidsREAD program. I have learnt that I love children very much. I went on a fantastic summer program at The University of British Columbia in Canada, such an eye openening experience to see the world through different eyes and change my perspective on life forever.
I feel very sad when I think of how much of our family will be spilt up next year. David is going overseas also, which means we won't get to see each other anymore for quite some time. I have never appreciated my family more. There are times when me and brothers argue over stupid things, but I love them more than anything. I hope David and Mikey will find their calling in life. I haven't always been easy on them, but my only wish is to see them find something they are most happy doing, whether it is running a michelin star restaurant, or being a skiing instructor on the slopes. Happiness is hard to find. And I hope they will always be happy.
I am so glad I have managed to spend alot more time with my family this year. I know I have always been busy, but I think I have made it an effort to spend more time with my family this year, something I will miss soon.
I've lost friends this year, but I've strengthened my friendships with real friends who helped me along whenever I have felt down.
The Bros: KY, you're my best pal, and I'm always grateful for your friendship. DZ, you have never let me down, bros always. ST, we've known each other so many years and I'm always grateful for our friendship. WY, I'm so grateful to have met you and Jols in Canada, friends always.
The Specs: Bnut, you nutjob, don't worry you won't be single long. Er, thanks for our friendship, you have always made the effort to keep in touch. BY, chicken rice if you believe in yourself.
The Smube Supper Goofballs: Tim, you're one of my best friends, and I am glad to have met a friend like you. Gabe, you're a great friend with a good heart. Er, you make me laugh many many. Jaz, you've been a great friend and I'm glad we braved psych class together!
The Randoms: Nr, love you lots! We'll be there for you this term. Ch, you've been a great friend in and out of school. Sy, here's to more armenian street mee soto! Ch, you've been a fantastic friend who I can talk to about anything.
The porkfriends: You guys have been great friends. I didn't know any of you before Dz and St introduced me to the gang. But I am glad to have met every single special porkfriend, and I feel like a fully fledged pork friend now haha.
Pohs, Lams and lees, you guys have been so funny. I love the way we can talk non-stop about anything ridiculous until we almost cry.
The floorballers: Brose, Huss, Yves and Jerry. Thanks guys, you have been great friends even outside of training (mugging sessions haha!), friends always.
KSclub7: Sereneish!!! OH MY!!! our shit is toilet square I tell you. You've been a great friend to hangout with. The guys, thanks for taking care of Dave haha, you guys were great company on the trip.
The Interns: SI BUDDY! Once my buddy always my buddy. Celia, will never forget all your rubbish! Miss hanging out with you guys.
My family at Tangs: Pris, thanks for looking out for me while I was working there, you've been a real friend to me and I always treasure our friendship. Kevin, you clothes horse, thanks for always being a fun pal to be with. The girls, stay cool always and I am glad to have met every one of you.
My real Tang family: Sean my godbro, I am glad to have gotten a chance to know you better this year even though we hadn't spoken to each other for many years, I am glad you've found your calling. You've always made the effort to keep in touch, and we are all appreciative. Kai Bah, I'm happy to have the chance to have gotten to catch up with you more this year.
Benny Chan: friends always no matter where life takes us or how rich we get haha
Emilia and Evelyn: you guys are my best gal pals, and I know we'll be friends for life
A few more words:
Lastly, I want to take a short reflection on the year as a real process of change. I think I have grown so much this year. I can honestly say that I am very happy. I've always been a worrier, a thinker, an over-analyser. But after a year of big changes, I've thrown my caution to the wind and become stronger. Screw worrying and thinking. Stress is so 2005. Life is out there for us to take, there is no time for worry. My proudest achievement this year is being happy. Not happy by smiling and laughing all the time, but really being content and proud of life. And that kind of happiness is very important to me.
After thrusting myself into 3 jobs in the real working world, I know now that I can excel at a real job, and this has heightened my confidence with regards to work. I know what I want to do, and I know that marketing is a facet of business that I can perform my best in. I've also managed to place my family, friends and work as my top priorities in life.
I have found peace within myself this year too. We all have our insecurities and neurotic thoughts now and then, but I am finally comfortable being myself without having to worry what others think. And I think that means a feeling of peace.
I think if there was only one word to sum up how 2006 went, it would be the word "happy". 2006. What a year. The best ever.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Yesterday I met up with Evelyn at her house to bake cakes with her mom. Me bake cakes can you imagine. Damn out of point kind. We were helping to make christmas cakes and a cheesecake also. It really damn good I must say. OMG and she bought a Scottish Terrier for her auntie. IN BLACK. I love black scottish terriers! It was a little stinky though because he had just been plaing in the garden.
After that I met the specs for shopping. The specs are one of my best bunches of friends. They've been the only bunch of friends to really stick with me through army. I guess it's because we share the same understanding and perspective on life. I bought my dad a polo t from topman and my mom a top from topshop. I didn't even realise my dad's polo t was exactly the SAME colour as my mom's top. WTH.
Today I was working abit cuz me and David had to run errands for Bap. Bap was shorthanded today so we were his drivers today. Steve, Boons and Weims dropped by at the shop today and it was so nice to see them after so long. Boons got me gingerbread men in exchange for ice cream hahaha. I am so glad Steve enjoyed his trip to New York and Bangkok. It reminded me about the time I went to Vancouver. It was a real eye openener and I'm so glad Steve considered his trip to NY an eye opener too. I'm very happy for him.
KY also just came back from Vietnam. Soccerfest '06 is officially over. Tim should be back also. Now just waiting for Dz to come back from Krabi. Next week I should be meeting up with the Randoms and the bros so I can't wait. And the FTEEBSERS new year party. Can't wait. My best friends. All back home to celebrate. I love christmas.
Friday, December 22, 2006
I met up with Pohs, Lees and Lams yest for a mini xmas dinner celebration of sorts. It was great to see the bunch of them because ever since school ended, I really missed their nonsense. OMG the conversations were SO funny. And we had dinner at The Ship at Shaw. Only like super retro. And we went to the creamery after dinner. Love these guys. Just thinking about our nonsense really brings a smile to my face.
Today was my last day of work. Seriously. I need a break. I'm just damn sad to leave after almost feeling like part of the Water's Edge family. They were really nice guys. I got 7 presents from them even though i just joined 2 weeks ago. They were really nice to me.
Speaking of internships, on Tuesday I dropped off presents for the girls at Tangs. I really miss the gang. I think most of them were pretty surprised to see me back to wish them merry christmas, but I think they know I really love Tangs. It was so nice to see them.
Tomorrow I'm going over to Evelyn's place to help her and her mom bake cookies or make pudding or something. Going christmas shopping with Bnut, By and Er. Can't wait really. I'm going to to finally buy the v neck Calvin Klein I've been eyeing.
It's going to be a great christmas. I haven't met up with the bros (dz, st and ky) or the randoms or the smube supper goofballs or the fteebsers yet, but when they're all back in Singapore I will. I am very happy this year. There really is a special feeling. And this is how you know it's christmas.



Monday, December 18, 2006
I am super excited! All the xmas plans have been made (ok except for the fteebsers and the smube supper goofballs) and it looks like an amazing Christmas this year! They really should extend the holidays so we can meet up with everyone. I'm halfway through my christmas shopping, and I found some really nice presents from Japan for my friends. Tomorrow I am stopping by Tangs to say hi to my friends in the office and wish them Merry Christmas. I am so excited!!! It's official! 2006 has been the best year ever. I can't imagine a year that has been more fun, activity filled and happy. SHIT. This post was supposed to be about xmas, not 2006. I'm ready to deck the halls people. It's christmas time!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I used to feel angry and disappointed when I thought of you. But mostly sad. And now finally, I think I know who you really are. And as the year comes to an end, I've grown alot, and I can say that I'm done with being upset with you because don't even walk the same path anymore. It's been such a great year. And the best time of the year is coming. It's time I do something for myself.
One Christmas ago, things were alot different. I don't know why, but I didn't look forward to the last christmas. I think I know why now. After going through alot this year, I know myself better now. And the friend you knew is not the same anymore.
You're not going to read another entry about you anymore, because it's about time I've moved on. I'm at peace with myself now. Can you say you feel the same? A great year has changed me in many ways.
As we get ready to welcome the new year, I'm wishing you the best. And I wish you good luck wherever your path takes you.
I used to feel angry and disappointed when I thought of you. But mostly sad. And now finally, I think I know who you really are. And as the year comes to an end, I've grown alot, and I can say that I'm done with being upset with you because don't even walk the same path anymore. It's been such a great year. And the best time of the year is coming. It's time I do something for myself.
One Christmas ago, things were alot different. I don't know why, but I didn't look forward to the last christmas. I think I know why now. After going through alot this year, I know myself better now. And the friend you knew is not the same.
So as we get ready to welcome the new year, I'm wishing you the best. And I wish you good luck wherever life takes you.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
We've gotten back most of the results this term. And I think the results are pretty reflective of how much effort we put into school. I am very grateful I got 2 A+'s this term because I have never seen a single A+ in my university life, and I worked my butt for it. I have 2 good friends who didn't do so well this term. But I'm proud of them, and I'll tell you why.
My first friend is very involved with Christianity and her faith. She spent alot of her time in the ministry and she's been really involved at Church, and so she spent less time in school. Even though I don't consider myself a Christian anymore, I have great respect for my friend. She put God first. And although she says doing badly in school is not good testimony, it's a sure way of showing how much God means to you.
My other friend is a soccer nut. He's not even even a nut. He's like the whole groundnut plantation. But he's very good at soccer. And he made it to represent Singapore at the inter-varsity games in Vientam. He missed alot of work this term, and I think alot of time he had catch up on rest in between matches. But he pursued his dream. He told me of how he used to play with his friends everyday after school. And finally he's managed to represent Singapore. To be honest, I was afraid he'd be spending so much time on the game, but I know where his passion is. It's in soccer. And this was a chance for him to live his dream. If he didn't make the sacrifice, he wouldn't have got on the team. And I'm proud of him.
In short. 2 of my best friends made sacrifices in order to pursue their passion. And that's something we all need to do. I admit, I don't neccessarily approve of being slack about studies. But sometimes, there are more important things to life. However (disclaimer), I am hoping they will apply themselves to the books next term. And strike the balance in their life.
For me, I've made sacrifices too. I sacrificed floorball so I could spend time with my friends. That's my sacrifice. I sacrificed my rest time so I could bring up my grades. I sacrifice my holidays so I can pursue my passion in marketing through internships. And that's just another one of my sacrifices. Basically, in order to be happy, we sometimes need to sacrifice. But that having being said, I think time management is the most important thing that a person can learn.
At the end of the day. It's what makes you proud that gets you through the day, that makes you happy. It's the things that make us proud that really make us special and unique. And that's why I'm proud of my friends. They made some impractical sacrifices that have led them to do things that they can be proud of. And how many people can say that?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Today was a fantastic day. I had work today but I spent most of the day doing research about Dubai and Muslim dressing. You see the Ad consultancy I am working at has been commissioned to decorate the private premier client rooms of a particular bank. So each room has a theme of a particular country, and for the Dubai room, we hadn't decided on the type of fabric for the walls. My boss needed to know what fabrics would be suitable to put up on the walls and what not to. So my job was to research which fabric to use. It was quite interesting because I learnt alot about Dubai and the Ghutra, which is the head dress of men in the UAE. Dubai is a real modern city. So beautiful from the pictures. I promise I will visit the UAE one day.

Also, I had lunch with my colleagues today. Super cheenapok kind. But I mean that in the best way possible haha. I find it funny sometimes. When people meet me first they are very wary of me haha. I think it's because I speak properly and I make it a point to dress sharply. So I feel they are a little wary of me because they expect me to be a jackass of a rich kid. Yeah well but that's so not me really. One thing I am not shy to admit is that I am a down to earth person. And it never ever bothers me what background a person comes from. That's not important. And I think even though its just day 2 I get along very nice with my colleagues. I think they totally relaxed after they realised that I'm more down to earth than even most people. I get a kick out of surprising people I admit haha. On first sight they expect a snob and an ass haha. And it's nice to know that I make friends with people of all sorts of kinds and backgrounds at the end of the day no matter what the first impression.
So over lunch with my colleagues, we walked along Purvis Street because my office is there (I need to go shopping with SQ there!) So then we bump into a colleague who came back on her off day to feed the 22 cats who stay along purvis. I thought that was very nice. What she does is she pays for sterilization and feeds the cats about every other day.

OH and we were walking past a restaurant with fantastic food when all of a sudden we saw Adrian Pang and Michelle Chia filming inside the restaurant. It was so cool because we were just outside the window like a metre away from them. It was really cool because I've seen their food show on TV mobile so many times and it was cool to see them in real life! I took a phot even though the cameraman was telling me not to. Whatever.
After work I met Professor Marco and Norainee for dinner as a last minute arrangement. Professor Marco is leaving SMU because he got a great offer to go back to Holland to teach. And besides, he's dutch so I think he'll feel more at home. I am very happy for him, but I'll miss him a shit lot. Marco has been a real friend to me.
More amazing than Marco leaving, was that my schoolmate Norainee (married already) announced that she was pregnant. My first reaction was OH MY GOD. And she showed me the ultrasound. To be honest I felt a little scared for her inititially, but then I realised that you know it's just one of these meant to be kind of things. I felt so happy I could have cried. Keyword was "could have". Yeah I know I'm abit gay when it comes to happy life events. She'll make a good mom. The only thing wierd is that one of my school kakis will be a mom. Bizzare square. But I think its very 2008 of her to have a baby. She's smart so she'll be able to handle the work. She's also got a great caring and loving family so she'll do just fine. I am so happy for her. I can't wait to see her baby. It'll be due May 2007. Looks like someone has something to occupy her summer hols haha.
After saying goodbye to the big dutch guy and Norainee I went home. I decided to call Laucik and Vincent because I haven't heard from them in awhile. They are 2 of my best friends from army and it was nice to hear from them. I am arranging to meet up with them next week after work. I miss these guys alot.
Checked my e-mail when I got home and found out I got a A+ for my Retail Management class. I am bloody proud of my A+. I worked my ass of this term. I got 3 yucky B's this term, but I got 2 A+'s . And that I'm bloody proud of it. I find I do better in my business modules, and I can't wait to get started on marketing with Serene, Gabriel and Eric next term. We're so going to kick ass.
When me, Marco and Norainee sat down for coffee at Starbucks, there was a Christmas tree lit up. I was then thinking about what a fantastic year its been. Of how Marco would be starting a new life in Holland and how Norainee was going to be a mom next year, and how there might be big changes for me next year. I then realised how amazing life is. How it always changes beyond our imagination. Gosh I feel so much older! But alot happier. It's such an amazing year. And to think I get to celebrate xmas with the people I love the most. That means alot to me. Looks like I'll be looking forward to xmas more than ever this year.
Monday, December 11, 2006

Hello blog. Today was a long day! I came back from Japan at 2am last night and I had to wake up at 7.30am to get to work at the advertising place. My trip to Japan was amazing. It was my favourite family vacation. I learnt much about the people there and it was a real eye opener.
I think every time I go away I come back feeling brand new, with a slightly different outlook on life. That's how amazing this trip was. It's changed the way I look at life. I'll blog about it soon when I have time to.
The food was amazing and the shopping was great. Almost forgot to shop for souveniers haha. Something about it makes me think of Canada. I think it must be because I enjoyed them equally as much.
Today was my first day of internship at the ad agency and it was good. I'm working on a project for Temasek Holdings, so the whole day I spent designing logos and researching Asian symbols and culture. Very cool stuff. Apparently Temasek Holding's earnings are in the trillions. Ouch. My boss, Mr Tan, was also really friendly.
Ok. TIRED. So I'll blog another time. Going to take a nap before I supps with the specs. Night.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I just sent out an e-mail to Vincent today because he's on the panel for the Merril Lynch hiring department for their summer '07 internships. Which essentially means all expenses paid to their headquarters in Hong Kong for a summer internship. How ridiculous is that? Vincent is Auntie Grace's son and he agreed to see how he could help me out. I thought it was really cool of him to edit my resume and reply me so quick. What he did was he deleted some of the useless Primary school stuff and made me expand on my internships that I have done. I think after removing my sec sch and primary school grades and some of the silly CCA stuff I did in primary school, and bringing up all my internship experiences to the front, I look alot better on paper. I am glad that I did 2 internships in my first summer and the IMF thing this term because I wouldn't say my grades are outstanding, and at least my internship experiences will speak for themselves. I look at my resume now and it looks quite different than it used to be.
It's ridiculous how we talk of job opportunities now. I mean I talk to my friends and every now and then a name of a bank will pop up. I think we have finally reached the age. It's exciting yes, but a little gross. You know what I mean? There's something icky about money. There's something even more gross about mixing friends with business. That is something I don't think I will ever do. The problem with mixing friends with business is that money gets in the way of friendship. And I can only imagine how yucks that must be.
The only way I imagine myself mixing business with friends is by helping friends in the right direction. I've talked a few friends into drafting their resumes this holiday and I think it will be a good thing for them because most of the big banks are hiring for summer internship positions. I think internships are the best headstart for any university student who wants a taste of the working world (and who wants to end up with a job!). Two of the few people who have done internships are Weiyi and Jols, and I think its fantastic. Weiyi is also arranging a summer internship in Hong Kong and we hope to go to HK together! I'm also trying to arrange Sereneish to work at the Tangs Department Store because I think it was a fantastic experience and she will have lots of fun. Work experience speaks alot about the capability of a person that stretches beyond the classroom, and it's a waste if people don't see the importance of completing internships. It's like a snowball effect where more experience leads to more opportunities. I've made alot of friends through my internships and I see this as improving my network of friends because they aren't confined to the same background or school as me, and I think this makes life a little more interesting.
Well thank God for internships. It's always interesting to try something different and push yourself towards new goals. It doesn't hurt that work experience makes us alot more valuable to our future emplyers, but most importantly it is a fulfilling experience that really challenges you and stirs your passion and interest. this being said, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my internship at the ad agency. Fingers crossed.