Tuesday, May 15, 2007

DAMN TIRED. Has nothing to do with work cuz actually alls good at the office. For the next few days, I have a job at Jurong with a client who does who-knows-what. I hope the rest of the team will be as nice as my current team.

Falling sick. Been drinking Yeo's-ish drinks the past week which apparently fights the "heatiness", not like thats going to help later when we do some majory artery damage at Brewerkz with the Alisters (Pohleeweimseerangbert)for dinner.

Had lunch with Jaktim and Gabe today at wham burger. Gabe's 2nd day at EY today. HANG IN THERE. I promise you if I can do it, I'm quite damn sure you can. A whole bunch of new interns today at pdubs. You can tell they're interns because they clusterfuck in groups of 20 and the girls all complain their feet have blisters.

DAMN SLEEPY DAMMIT. 2 more hours. Just 2 more... Calamari, buffalo wings, nachos and beer I'm coming!!

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