Monday, November 19, 2007

I had nothing to do on Friday so I called up Uncle Leslie's plastic surgery clinic to make an appointment with him to check out this pigmentation on my lip and a injection bump that I've had since I was a baby. I asked how much was the consultation. "Oh it's $150 for the first 20 mins," came the friendly reply from the receptionist. A hundred and fucking fifty what? Oh well.

So I went to see Uncle Les and saw all the dozen certificates of surgery he framed on the wall, next to the botox brochures and facelift files. When it was my turn he gave a surprised "What are you doing here?". I was like, "You need to help me out!". I said, "Ok so how much is it going to cost me?" He said normally he charges $4000 WTF but he'd do it free of charge. I was like, "Wait what do you mean?" He said we could pay in installments of ice cream. So I walked out with an appointment for 3rd of Dec and feeling quite lucky and grateful. THANKS UNCLE LES. I told mom and she said it reminded her of the time uncle ngoi did auntie vera's cancer surgery for free. It may be just a few hours of their time but it is still very kind of them.

Today was another weird medical / health day because i got a bad stomach ache all day. It's like someone kicked be in the b@!!$ seriously. I checked and they say I have an STD or mumps. Didn't we get vaccinated against mumps?