Monday, February 11, 2008

Tomorrow I'm going back to the JPM office for my 2nd and final round of interview. I am scared like shit but fairly confident at the same time. After a online IQ test and a interview at their office I'm back again.

Been reading finance newspapers like nobodies business. Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal and FT oh my. Now I have an opinion about everything finance related. Just please don't ask me about derivatives because I know shit about derivatives.

I am excited and scared. After coming out of the last interview I've learnt it's important to keep your cool and be positive even if you don't know what the $%#* your interviewer is asking, and even if he is a smartass. And maybe especially if he is a smartass.

It's like meeting for an arranged wedding. If the person likes your face you're set otherwise you have to find another bride to marry.

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