Sunday, February 17, 2008

Life is too damn short. Ideally we'd have 14-day weeks, half of which would be a weekend. But because we don't live in an ideal world where we have all the time in the world, we have to live it to the best. Which is a really good excuse to be a hedonist. A hedonist is someone who enjoys the pleasures in life. Guilty as charged.

Sometimes while I'm surfing I really enjoy looking at extravagant luxury websites. Cars, boats, spas, villas, travel, hotels and dining. It's fun to sit in front of the computer and live vicariously through my macbook. It's the same reason why you walk into an expensive shop even though you know you can't afford anything. It's just fun.

The funny thing is I probably know more about Las Vegas than David does. Sometimes I look at the hotels or restaurants you can find on the strip, and I see the shows they play at the Casinos. It feels like traveling for free.

I really love the idea of excess. The free flow wine and meals. The way the phantom coupe looks like a boat. The fine dining they have onboard the Silversea cruise liners. Can anyone say no to a 131 day long extended world cruise on a luxury boat?

But you know really, I just love the idea of excess. But just the idea only. After all it is fun to imagine and aspire, but I don't really need to live in an Italian villa to be happy. It's abit of a paradox isn't it? Yes I suppose. But if we aim for something like luxury and expect it then we may be disappointed. However there is no disappointment if we're really just happy with whatever we've got. It's still ok to aspire.

That being said I stumbled upon this website. For 3 months you undergo training in South Africa to become a qualified Safari Ranger. No shit. 4X4 driving lessons, advanced rifle handling and a course on dangerous animals. How fucking awesome is that? I've always wanted to go to south africa and live in the wilderness. Fucking awesome. I think I would be such a happy person living that kind of life. I would give up my phantom anytime for a life in a jeep in the Serengeti. The truth is I've always been a nature type of person and this would be the epitome of living out my wildest dreams. Even more than being an artist or a vet or a banker. But I can imagine the amount of sacrifice it takes to give everything up to chase something as wild as that. How fucking awesome though.

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