Thursday, April 05, 2007

I got stubborn from my dad. But I got perfectionist from my mom. Having high expectations for yourself is a double edged sword. On one hand it drives you to do better, but it also makes you your biggest critic.

I love my friends. And because I try to give my friends my best, I used to get especially disapointed when a friend let me down. But I think there comes a point where a person has to be reasonable. No one is perfect.

There will always be friends who only call when they need a favor, the friends who always leave you as plan B, and the best friends who fall short of being the best sometimes. But the point is, no one is perfect, and no one should have to be.

Life, like friendship, is not perfect. And the only way to deal with that, is to embrace imperfection. I am not a good example of a person who takes imperfection well, but I know of a friend who taught me to relax, and smile, even in the face of imperfection. There comes a trick in demanding the best of yourself, without expecting anything in return.

I've learnt the meaning of appreciating imperfection, to accept life for what it is, and your friends for who they are.

1 comment:

RueDeLangue said...

In some ways, the flaws that make something imperfect highlight its redeeming qualities all the more. In that, we may say that imperfection finds its charm and beauty.