Friday, January 11, 2008

The first week of school has been great. Work sucks but not if you have your friends close by.

Today I had to go to school early to send in a form to do an extra module. Bumped into Gabe at the office. After that I dropped by delifrance for loser lunch by myself because I only had 15 minutes before class. So I decided to whip out my laptop for a lunchtime companion.

So I checked my email and there was a new one. 4 months ago I did an application to JPMorgan to try my luck. And apparently I got lucky with an interview with the bank.

OMG was my first thought. And OMFG was my second. I wanted to scream. And jump. And throw my fried fish spaghetti bolognese into the air.The odds of actually getting in after the interview is an entirely different matter, but whatever, and I'm just glad I got the interview. If anything, I'd be content to go and tell the interviewer I've given everything I've got to get to this point.

School is for 2 things. 1) to have tons of fun 2) to get ready to kick ass in the real world. And I don't see why you can't have both.

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