Thursday, March 23, 2006

No Place Like Home

Just when you think you're happy and settled in one place, life has a funny way of making you pack your bags and hit the road again. Just when you think you've found your own piece of sunshine, something comes along to change it. We begin to lose our footing and friends are lost along the way. Then there comes the time when you become a little jaded and unhappy. The time when you think you don't belong anymore. The time when you feel like you don't want to unpack your bags anymore because you think you'll never reach the place you intended to go.

But then one day. We all arrive at the most unexpected destination. A place where everything seems so familiar even though we've never been there before. A place that reminds of of the good things in life and all our own happy memories. We begin to meet people who will continue the journey with us and regroup with all the ones who've stuck by us all this time. We begin to forget how hard the journey has been and look forward to where we're headed instead. Suddenly life seems to look up again and we know that things will be alright after all. We begin to unpack our bags and set up once again. This is when we know we're finally home once again.

I'm glad to say that finally feel at home. Almost one year into school, I've found my footing once again and I feel comfortable with life once more. It hasn't been easy moving on from the army life and friends, but I think I've finally made the move. No more sad goodbyes and regrets. Time has been hard on the friendships I've made in the army. But now I know who I can really count on despite the changes that have come our way.

I've unpacked my bags and now I look forward to every day I spend in school. I can't remember the last time I felt so at home anywhere else. I am so grateful to my school friends for making my time in SMU such a meaningful experience. I know it is here with them I can find my direction once again. To The Randoms, my SMUndercover brothers and my floorball pals, I thank you guys for making school a place where I can call my own. Cheers to sharing the best years of our lives together!

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