Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Haven't had the chance to write much recently because of everything that's been going on. Work has been the same but there's tons of things happening outside of work.

I'm currently working on a research study with NYU on bilingualism and psychology. In addition I just met up with Prof Tov yesterday and I'll also be helping him with his psych research on happiness and well-being. Tov works with one of the leading psychologists in positive psychology and that is majorly exciting. The harvard lessons are also ongoing and getting to be a little taxing.

Some of the other things I'm exploring is setting up a educational talk for schools, and creating a health related social networking site like facebook.

I was supposed to write some articles for the school magazine on psych but I wonder if that's ever going to come about.

I've been really busy, but I've also been very happy. I think for too long I've been doing the right things (internships) for the wrong reasons (prestige) and I am so glad that I had the chance to say "I tried it, but I don't like it, and that's ok".

When I was 12 I was sitting in the car and we drove through Raffles Place. I laughed at the people dressed in office attire and I told my dad that that would never be me.

After working as one of those people, I have great respect for an office job, especially a finance one. But I turn to my 12 year old self for the wisdom that you just have to be true to yourself at the end of the day.

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