Sunday, February 22, 2009

On Friday night we went for the party that Steve organized. I usually don't like to go to the bars or clubs if humanly possible but I thought I'd make an exception. Turns out everyone was there. So many old friends and faces from the good old AC days. Everyone you wanted and didn't want to see packed into that bar at Fullerton. It was great though. I wouldn't have caught up with that many people if I gave it a miss.

As I was sitting there at our table I could see the other tables with their different circles, and it was just nice to see how everyone was still in touch and together. These were friends from primary school and beyond, and it was good to know everyone's grown up together.

As school ends, it's just nice to know that even if I didn't learn a single thing in class, or even if I don't have that USD$5000 job, I've got my friends for life.

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