Friday, December 19, 2008

YOZUSH. I don't know yozush who, but maybe yozush blogspot. I haven't been on for awhile because I've been pretty busy lately. Surprise.

I have been doing some super exciting psychology stuff. I am so excited. 11 upon 10 excited!

Christmas is coming! I am screwed cuz I have barely started shopping. GROSS POSS. And I noticed anglish is back as well.

**BTW MY BROTHER DAVID GOT INTO CORNELL!!** We are all super happy for him. Mom is almost more happy about the idea she gets to have an ivy son. David has been working super hard so he super deserves this. It's his big break. Beat the ivy league bitches! But Stanford for the win as well haha.

I got Dave's christmas card saying I was his inspiration. But are you kidding? Dave is now my inspiration. He is true testimony to the fact that you can do it if you fucking want something. That's something that our dad taught us and it's true.

The moral of the story is if you #@$%ing want something, go and $#%&ing get off your ass and be the %$&#ing best you can be.

Of course bap didn't quite say it like that.