Friday, November 16, 2007

When things go wrong. When the world is crazy. When there is too much anger. When there is too much hate.

Then there is only one thing that remains that really matters.

It is the thing that binds friends together.

The stuff that families are made of.

Or the bond that is shared between loved ones.

It is easy to forget.

And sadly we only remember it in difficult times.

But it is in difficult times that we see more clearly.

What is important and what isn't.

In just one year I've seen so many things.

All grown up now but never jaded.

Just wiser. More positive. More grateful.

Appreciative of whatever I have left.

Cherishing each moment.

Ready to defend what i believe in.

Ready to drop the world in a heartbeat.

For the only thing that means everything.

For the only thing that means anything.

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