Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Today was a friendsday. Had class with the randoms and our same nonsense as usual. Lunch with the Alisters less Weims. Laughter and jokes galore. We are thinking of starting a club in school. One with minimal effort that we can do over lunch. Which kind of rules out just about everything.

Tris is leaving tonight. He got into med school in dublin so that's really amazing. So after school I went to ToysRus and got him a full doctor's set that comes in a neat suitcase. I also got him the surgery set and the bandage set just in case he wants to specialise in surgery and work in the ER. I swear I wanted to buy one for myself. The stethescope actually makes coughing noises when you press a button. Very well made. I was laughing when I saw it cuz I knew he'd love it. I almost got him a baby doll to practice on but he'll have tons of girls to practice on in the dorm.

I'm really happy for him. He's set for life. And he's doing something he really wants. Stopped over at his place and had time to chittish chattish and say goodbye. Kinda sad he's going just when we just got to hang out. Anyways I'll probably see him soon. I'm thinking of visiting a friend in London at the end of the year so maybe I'll swing by and say hi. Watching all of them grow up with David, they kind of feel like my younger brothers too. I'm just glad they're all on their way.

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